2020 has been the year that environmental, social and governance criteria shot up the agenda for a wide range of investors. More and more people say they want to invest in businesses that have a positive impact on the climate and society, and treat their staff, customers and suppliers fairly. It has also been the year that many asset managers have upped their commitment to integrating ESG factors into their investment processes and offer new opportunities to invest in a more sustainable future.
Asset managers face greater scrutiny of what they say and do in terms of sustainable investment. Their reputations will increasingly depend on whether they live up to their commitments or whether they stand accused of greenwashing products and misleading investors. Firms that can demonstrate their ESG credentials have a lot to gain, while firms that are laggards have a lot to lose.
In this Who’s Who report we take a look into voices across Europe who are working within the sector and discussing ESG online. These people work predominantly in the investment sector.
What’s Covered in the Report?
In our ESG report we have a look at a range of influencers and personas based in Europe, answering the key questions below:
- Which brand employees are driving most impact online on the topic of ESG?
- Who are they key investors when it comes to ESG?
- Who are the analysts within ESG?
- Which influencers are talking about ESG and climate change?
- Who are the key voices discussing diversity & inclusion within the ESG space?

Download the Full Report
These Who’s Who reports are created using the Onalytica platform which has a curated database of over 1 million influencers. Our platform allows you to discover, validate and categorise influencers quickly and easily via keyword searches. The lists are made using carefully created Boolean queries which then rank influencers by resonance, relevance, reach and reference, meaning influencers are not only ranked by themselves, but also by how much other influencers are referring to them. The lists are then validated, and filters are used to split the influencers up into the categories that are seen in the list.
This Who’s Who list should give you an insight into the ESG industry in Europe and help break it down. We always want to make sure you are getting the most valuable information available from our lists, so feedback is always welcome!
If you want to learn more about Onalytica, or if you’d like to see our platform in action, feel free to get in touch!