Influence is topical and so someone who is influential on SEO is not necessarily the expert on influencer marketing or video content creation. We went deeper into the specific sub-categories and tracks at CMWorld2017 to call out the influencers who are driving engagement within the influencer community on these niche topics.
You can use this blog post to understand what is driving the online debate and who is most influential in the focus area that you really care about in your role whether it is Social Media, Lead Generation, Branding, Video Creation, Sales or Influencer Marketing for example.

The most frequently mentioned words spoken about in the context of content marketing were:
- Digital Marketing
- Social Media
- Branding
- Growth Hacking
- Leads
- Infographic
- Blogging
- Content Writing
- Lead generation
- Data-driven
- Copywriting
- Tools
- Storytelling
- Content Strategy
- Startup
- Visual
- Video Marketing
With #CMWorld happening this week in Ohio we were very interested to learn which influencers were driving the most influence on the key topics or “tracks” at CMWorld.
Out of all the tracks at CMWorld these were the top 10 getting the most attention among the content marketing influencers:
- Social Media
- Analytics and Data
- Sales
- Video
- Writing
- Influencer Marketing
- Agency
- Lead Generation
- Content Strategy
We looked at each of these topics or “tracks” and generated a list of the top 50 influencers within each track. Below is the top 25 in each category if you want to see who ranks from 25-50 please download the full report:

1. Top 50 Social Media Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 100 |
2 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 74.8 |
3 | @markfidelman | Mark Fidelman | 58.33 |
4 | @briansolis | Brian Solis | 51.94 |
5 | @markwschaefer | Mark Schaefer | 47.62 |
6 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 42.51 |
7 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | 38.17 |
8 | @PamMktgNut | Pam Moore | 36.5 |
9 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 35.67 |
10 | @iSocialFanz | Brian Fanzo | 35.38 |
11 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 33.32 |
12 | @GuyKawasaki | Guy Kawasaki | 32.08 |
13 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 31.79 |
14 | @bryankramer | Bryan Kramer | 30.19 |
15 | @rachelloumiller | Rachel Miller | 30.1 |
16 | @teedubya | Travis Wright | 29.49 |
17 | @TedRubin | Ted Rubin | 27.71 |
18 | @ajagrawal24 | AJ Agrawal | 24.61 |
19 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | 24.01 |
20 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 23.53 |
21 | @sujanpatel | Sujan Patel | 23.31 |
22 | @CynthiaLIVE | Cynthia Johnson | 22.21 |
23 | @AmishaGandhi | Amisha | 21.89 |
24 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 21.76 |
25 | @lilachbullock | Lilach Bullock | 21.58 |
2. Top 50 Analytics and Data Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @randfish | Rand Fishkin | 100 |
2 | @sethfarbman | Seth William Farbman | 91.4 |
3 | @dougkessler | Doug Kessler | 80.38 |
4 | @BernardMarr | Bernard Marr | 78.33 |
5 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | 50.02 |
6 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 43.65 |
7 | @OttLegalRebels | Marc R Gagné MAPP | 43.37 |
8 | @evankirstel | Evan Kirstel | 39.6 |
9 | @FeldmanCreative | Barry Feldman | 39.13 |
10 | @larrykim | Larry Kim | 38.88 |
11 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | 37.93 |
12 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 35.49 |
13 | @DaveChaffey | Dr Dave Chaffey | 34.96 |
14 | @cspenn | Christopher Penn | 34.15 |
15 | @neilpatel | Neil Patel | 33.12 |
16 | @data_nerd | Carla Gentry | 32.04 |
17 | @IanCleary | Ian Cleary | 30.13 |
18 | @iSocialFanz | Brian Fanzo | 29.33 |
19 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 28.95 |
20 | @YvesMulkers | Yves Mulkers | 28.53 |
21 | @dez_blanchfield | Dez Blanchfield | 28.46 |
22 | @KirkDBorne | Kirk Borne | 27.97 |
23 | @jayacunzo | Jay Acunzo | 27.78 |
24 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 26.75 |
25 | @dannysullivan | Danny Sullivan | 26.71 |
3. Top 50 Sales Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 100 |
2 | @kimgarst | Kim Garst | 85.11 |
3 | @Nickpanayi | Nick Panayi | 59.67 |
4 | @sujanpatel | Sujan Patel | 52.04 |
5 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 49.02 |
6 | @danielnewmanUV | Daniel Newman | 44.62 |
7 | @GlenWestlake | Glen Westlake | 43.69 |
8 | @markwschaefer | Mark Schaefer | 41.41 |
9 | @HeinzMarketing | Matt Heinz | 40.36 |
10 | @dmscott | David Meerman Scott | 38.54 |
11 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 37.51 |
12 | @InboundMarketer | Maria Pergolino | 37.3 |
13 | @TrondLyngbo | Trond Lyngbø | 32.51 |
14 | @johnkoetsier | John Koetsier | 32.05 |
15 | @smoothsale | Elinor Stutz | 25.7 |
16 | @AHZimmerman | Andy Zimmerman | 25.41 |
17 | @JackKosakowski | Jack Kosakowski | 25.23 |
18 | @DanScalco | Dan Scalco | 24.94 |
19 | @lilachbullock | Lilach Bullock | 23.28 |
20 | @MelonieDodaro | Melonie Dodaro | 22.91 |
21 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 22.91 |
22 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | 22.63 |
23 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 21.99 |
24 | @Sam___Hurley | Sam Hurley | 21.31 |
25 | @elonmusk | Elon Musk | 21.05 |
4. Top 50 Video Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 100 |
2 | @GuyKawasaki | Guy Kawasaki | 35.7 |
3 | @CynthiaLIVE | Cynthia Johnson | 31.89 |
4 | @joelcomm | Joel Comm | 29.86 |
5 | @LuriaPetrucci | Luria Petrucci | 24.35 |
6 | @elonmusk | Elon Musk | 23.42 |
7 | @alvinlindsay21 | Alvin Lindsay | 22.03 |
8 | @FX_Digital | Steve Cartwright | 21.8 |
9 | @iSocialFanz | Brian Fanzo | 21.18 |
10 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 19.43 |
11 | @NoteworthyWifey | Amy Noteworthy | 17.66 |
12 | @WarrenWhitlock | Warren Whitlock | 17.34 |
13 | @KeithKeller | Keith Keller | 16.42 |
14 | @SameerPatel | Sameer Patel | 16.22 |
15 | @RobRe62 | Roberto Re | 15.35 |
16 | @cspenn | Christopher Penn | 15.27 |
17 | @markfidelman | Mark Fidelman | 15.26 |
18 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 15 |
19 | @evankirstel | Evan Kirstel | 14.08 |
20 | @LElkan | LARRY ELKAN | 13.83 |
21 | @chrisbrogan | Chris Brogan | 13.45 |
22 | @Schmittastic | Future Mrs. Landino | 12.92 |
23 | @OttLegalRebels | Marc R Gagné MAPP | 12.79 |
24 | @k009034 | Jukka Heinovirta | 12.14 |
25 | @MariSmith | Mari Smith | 12.13 |
5. Top 50 B2B Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 100 |
2 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 87.83 |
3 | @MurrayNewlands | Murray Newlands | 72.91 |
4 | @dougkessler | Doug Kessler | 68.45 |
5 | @bryankramer | Bryan Kramer | 64.52 |
6 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 61.47 |
7 | @CarlaJohnson | Carla Johnson | 58.62 |
8 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 54.34 |
9 | @TedRubin | Ted Rubin | 51.52 |
10 | @bernieborges | Bernie Borges | 51.07 |
11 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | 48.87 |
12 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 48.08 |
13 | @NoteworthyWifey | Amy Noteworthy | 47.8 |
14 | @jose_garde | Jose Javier Garde | 46.85 |
15 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 46.29 |
16 | @teedubya | Travis Wright | 44.06 |
17 | @JasonMillerCA | Jason A Miller | 42.07 |
18 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | 40.1 |
19 | @TomPick | Tom Pick | 39.55 |
20 | @HeinzMarketing | Matt Heinz | 39.45 |
21 | @martinjonesaz | Martin Jones | 39.28 |
22 | @LElkan | LARRY ELKAN | 38.95 |
23 | @evankirstel | Evan Kirstel | 37.84 |
24 | @Sam___Hurley | Sam Hurley | 37.4 |
25 | @kesbutters | Martin Butters | 34.59 |
Below you can see a network map of the online content marketing conversation. This map was created with our Influencer Relationship Management software (IRM). Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
6. Top 50 Writing Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @brianclark | Brian Clark | 100 |
2 | @markwschaefer | Mark Schaefer | 96.86 |
3 | @petitegeek | Dr. Angelica Lim | 91.38 |
4 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 89.55 |
5 | @chrisbrogan | Chris Brogan | 86.09 |
6 | @neilpatel | Neil Patel | 73.12 |
7 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 63.97 |
8 | @larrykim | Larry Kim | 58.82 |
9 | @crestodina | Andy Crestodina | 53.14 |
10 | @Ronald_vanLoon | Ronald van Loon | 46.84 |
11 | @DholakiyaPratik | Pratik Dholakiya | 44.35 |
12 | @CynthiaLIVE | Cynthia Johnson | 41.41 |
13 | @sujanpatel | Sujan Patel | 41.3 |
14 | @NoteworthyWifey | Amy Noteworthy | 38.89 |
15 | @naturewilds | Ray Shrewsberry | 37.29 |
16 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 34.57 |
17 | @ValaAfshar | Vala Afshar | 34.52 |
18 | @sangramvajre | Sangram Vajre | 34.48 |
19 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 33.33 |
20 | @FX_Digital | Steve Cartwright | 33.2 |
21 | @lieblink | Rebecca Lieb | 31.81 |
22 | @lilachbullock | Lilach Bullock | 31.61 |
23 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 31.26 |
24 | @RickKing16 | Rick King | 29.69 |
25 | @ThisIsSethsBlog | Seth Godin | 29.08 |
7. Top 50 Influencer Marketing Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 100 |
2 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 79.88 |
3 | @markfidelman | Mark Fidelman | 64.07 |
4 | @briansolis | Brian Solis | 53.65 |
5 | @markwschaefer | Mark Schaefer | 49.85 |
6 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 46.63 |
7 | @PamMktgNut | Pam Moore | 40.32 |
8 | @GuyKawasaki | Guy Kawasaki | 38.57 |
9 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 38.32 |
10 | @iSocialFanz | Brian Fanzo | 35.32 |
11 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 34.35 |
12 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 33.07 |
13 | @bryankramer | Bryan Kramer | 32.72 |
14 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | 31.54 |
15 | @rachelloumiller | Rachel Miller | 31.08 |
16 | @TedRubin | Ted Rubin | 28.87 |
17 | @ajagrawal24 | AJ Agrawal | 27.15 |
18 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 25.51 |
19 | @TamaraMcCleary | Tamara McCleary | 24.68 |
20 | @CynthiaLIVE | Cynthia Johnson | 23.48 |
21 | @joeDmarti | Joe Martin | 22.67 |
22 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 22.24 |
23 | @AmishaGandhi | Amisha | 22.12 |
24 | @jose_garde | Jose Javier Garde | 20.98 |
25 | @smallbiztrends | Anita Campbell | 20.7 |
If you want to see who ranks from 25-50 please download the full report:

8. Top 50 Agency Strategy Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @carlosgil83 | Carlos Gil | 100 |
2 | @FuelLines | Ashley Cox | 54.34 |
3 | @bryankramer | Bryan Kramer | 51.76 |
4 | @michaelgass | Michael Gass | 49.02 |
5 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 35.16 |
6 | @garyvee | Gary Vaynerchuk | 34.76 |
7 | @cspenn | Christopher Penn | 33.12 |
8 | @CynthiaLIVE | Cynthia Johnson | 32.9 |
9 | @GuyKawasaki | Guy Kawasaki | 32.77 |
10 | @dez_blanchfield | Dez Blanchfield | 27.73 |
11 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 27.39 |
12 | @iMariaJohnsen | Maria Johnsen | 25.96 |
13 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 25.67 |
14 | @joelcomm | Joel Comm | 25.45 |
15 | @fondalo | Robert Caruso | 24.41 |
16 | @ducttape | John Jantsch | 23.66 |
17 | @cshasarrived | Courtney Smith | 23.16 |
18 | @DaveChaffey | Dr Dave Chaffey | 22.88 |
19 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 22.76 |
20 | @sujanpatel | Sujan Patel | 22.6 |
21 | @ThisIsSethsBlog | Seth Godin | 22.08 |
22 | @JeffreyHayzlett | Jeffrey Hayzlett | 21.66 |
23 | @zaibatsu | Reg Saddler | 21.66 |
24 | @WarrenWhitlock | Warren Whitlock | 21.33 |
25 | @MadalynSklar | Madalyn Sklar | 21.32 |
9. Top 50 Lead Generation Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @MarketingProfs | Ann Handley | 100 |
2 | @lilachbullock | Lilach Bullock | 83.6 |
3 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 59.72 |
4 | @BrennerMichael | Michael Brenner | 57.8 |
5 | @ajagrawal24 | AJ Agrawal | 57.5 |
6 | @tonyrestell | Tony Restell | 57.12 |
7 | @johnfoleyjr | John Foley | 45.19 |
8 | @SusanGilbert | Susan Gilbert | 43.44 |
9 | @iMariaJohnsen | Maria Johnsen | 43.23 |
10 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 40.9 |
11 | @jaybaer | Jay Baer | 38.98 |
12 | @martinjonesaz | Martin Jones | 37.24 |
13 | @tylerjanderson | Tyler Anderson | 36.34 |
14 | @WarrenWhitlock | Warren Whitlock | 36.12 |
15 | @AdeldMeyer | Adel de Meyer | 33.42 |
16 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 32.47 |
17 | @sujanpatel | Sujan Patel | 31.05 |
18 | @GrowMap | Gail Gardner | 28.99 |
19 | @leeodden | Lee Odden | 27.33 |
20 | @larrykim | Larry Kim | 26.53 |
21 | @FX_Digital | Steve Cartwright | 26.01 |
22 | @NoteworthyWifey | Amy Noteworthy | 25.63 |
23 | @elonmusk | Elon Musk | 24.83 |
24 | @MandyModGirl | Mandy McEwen | 24.43 |
25 | @MarshaCollier | Marsha Collier | 24.17 |
10. Top 50 Content Strategy Influencers
Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | Influencer Score |
1 | @kesbutters | Martin Butters | 100 |
2 | @jeffbullas | Jeff Bullas | 144.39 |
3 | @JuntaeDeLane | Juntae DeLane | 78.4 |
4 | @FX_Digital | Steve Cartwright | 127.43 |
5 | @jose_garde | Jose Javier Garde | 98.53 |
6 | @scottabel | Scott Abel | 222.3 |
7 | @pushingsocial | Stan Smith | 128.4 |
8 | @NoteworthyWifey | Amy Noteworthy | 138.74 |
9 | @jeffsheehan | Jeff Sheehan | 63.81 |
10 | @alvinlindsay21 | Alvin Lindsay | 53.68 |
11 | @SociallySorted | Donna Moritz | 77.53 |
12 | @Timothy_Hughes | Tim Hughes | 84.6 |
13 | @2morrowknight | Sean Gardner | 85.76 |
14 | @NealSchaffer | Neal Schaffer | 118.63 |
15 | @GlenGilmore | Glen Gilmore | 62.86 |
16 | @zaibatsu | Reg Saddler | 69.76 |
17 | @DeniroLinda | Linda Deniro | 127.65 |
18 | @Sam___Hurley | Sam Hurley | 99.21 |
19 | @markwschaefer | Mark Schaefer | 138.77 |
20 | @MariSmith | Mari Smith | 133.8 |
21 | @NedFL | Ned James | 46.82 |
22 | @neilpatel | Neil Patel | 73.31 |
23 | @LElkan | LARRY ELKAN | 51.26 |
24 | @CynthiaLIVE | Cynthia Johnson | 231.24 |
25 | @katielance | Katie Lance | 55.71 |
At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Virtual Reality, Digital Health, Digital Marketing) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter?
Effective influencer marketing starts with identifying relevant influencers for your brand. Onalytica’s new Discovery platform mines over 200 billion posts a year into a curated database of over 500K global social media influencers, including data from Twitter, Blogs, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn Profile Links + Demographic Data. Our software enables you to identify influencers by topic, demographic or content and includes real-time tracking and measurement reporting to scale your influencer relations.
The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations also take into account a user’s Relevance (number of tweets on topic), Resonance (engagement through their networks), Reach (number of followers) and Reference (peer validated influence). If you want to learn more, please read our article that outlines influencer identification.
Download this free report which reveals the top 200 global content marketing influencers in 2017