From spending, saving and investing money, tools enabling us to manage our finances are more innovative than ever before. As accounts are increasingly being accessed on mobile devices, we find ourselves in a position where ever-evolving technology and the Internet can revolutionise our financial services. Technology is bridging the gap between consumer and vendor, investor and investment, client and business; making for easier transactions and altering the relationship we have with our money.
Traditional banking and accounting is being challenged as FinTech entrepreneurs and start-ups take matters into their own hands. In the next few years, we will continue to see our money go from physical paper and metals to a series of codes as these entrepreneurs take existing methods of banking and improve them for a new generation of financial technology. Money is a subject which affects each and every one of us, and as a result FinTech has generated a massive amount of attention – with mentions of FinTech on social media quadrupling between 2013 and 2014, and expected to double again for 2015.
Global Investment in Fintech companies has steadily risen over the last 5 years and is expected to grow further in the years to come.
We reached out to some of the top 10 influencers to ask them for their views on Fintech. We spoke to Gemma Godfrey (#2), Chris Gledhill (#3), Brett King (#5) and Chris Skinner (#12). Be sure to follow them to stay up to date on the best content and resources on fintech! (click on the names to see their Twitter profiles)
“FinTech companies are shaking up the traditional finance industry by making services more accessible, affordable and easy to use. Advances in technology are enabling financial companies to create truly customer-centric offerings, delivering what the client needs in a way they wish to receive it. The key is to solve a customer problem – rather than focus on what you want to sell, ask what is it the client would want to buy. Instead of trying to appear smarter, empower the customer to be smarter. If you want to engage people, cut the complexity and confusion, keep it simple.”
“Don’t take 20th century banking models and make them digital – that’s just lipstick on a pig. Try to uncover what their purpose was/is and whether, given emerging technologies, there’s a better way. Reputational currency is the last iteration of money before we don’t need money. “
“In the last 250 years, no industry facing technology disruption has survived unscathed. Banking is no different. FinTech rocks!
“Fintech is the new market that integrates finance and technology. This new market is a hybrid of the traditional processes of finance but replaces their traditional structures with a new technology-based process. Fintech is not an R&D function of finance, but a new emergent market of digital finance that will, over time, replace the traditional financial markets. As per the theme of my last book, Digital Bank, banks have historically dealt with the physical distribution of paper through a localised network of the branch, whilst there is a new, emerging financial system that deals with the digital distribution of data through the globalised network of the internet. The digital network replaces the physical network, and the Fintech community is building the new system. Eventually, the new system becomes what I call the Internet of Value, which is the title of my next book coming out in January 2016. The Internet of Value is based upon real-time processing of value exchange, and the 1000s of Fintech start-ups are getting billions of dollars of VC investment to build it.”
We were very interested in seeing which fintech professionals and brands were leading the online discussion, so we analysed over 934K tweets matching the following query: #fintech OR fintech OR #financialtech OR ((financial OR finance OR fin) AND (tech OR technology OR technologies)) OR efinance OR #efinance OR e-finance OR #e-finance OR “e finance” and identified the top 100 most influential brands and individuals leading the discussion on Twitter. We discovered a very engaged community, with much discussion between individuals and brands, joining together in conversations looking to improve their quality of service. Below you can see a network map of the online conversation created with our Influencer Relationship Management software IRM. This map shows the number 1 Influencer Oliver Bussmann at the centre and the conversations to and from all the influencers in that field. Be sure to click on the map to enjoy the full size network diagram in greater detail.
If you are interested in learning more about our IRM software click here!
We looked at all the individuals engaging on Twitter to bring you a list of the top 100 most influential individuals in Fintech. It was interesting to find that many of the individuals also feature on CityAM’s Fintech Powerlist such as Eileen Burbidge, Chris Gledhill, Chris Skinner and Gemma Godfrey. As well as this there were other crossovers with Disruptive Finance’s Top 100 Fintech Twitter Accounts such as the brand FINTECH Circle and Fintech HK.
Be sure to hit the download now button below to download the full report.

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @obussmann | Oliver Bussmann | 100 |
2 | @GCGodfrey | Gemma Godfrey | 99.25 |
3 | @cgledhill | Chris Gledhill | 98.81 |
4 | @mariaaspan | Maria Aspan | 98.62 |
5 | @brettking | Brett King | 98.55 |
6 | @AmerBanker | American Banker | 98.12 |
7 | @eileentso | Eileen Burbidge | 97.96 |
8 | @petervanham | Peter Vanham | 97.68 |
9 | @annairrera | Anna Irrera | 96.44 |
10 | @tech_pearce | John Pearce | 95.54 |
11 | @queentatiana | Tatiana Moroz | 94.51 |
12 | @Chris_Skinner | Chris Skinner | 93.29 |
13 | @joxman | Jason Oxman | 92.81 |
14 | @leimer | Bradley Leimer | 91.79 |
15 | @JimMarous | Jim Marous | 90.61 |
16 | @davidbrear | David M. Brear | 89.37 |
17 | @taavet | taavet hinrikus | 88.99 |
18 | @sammaule | Sam Maule | 87.95 |
19 | @DuenaBlomstrom | Duena Blomstrom | 86.82 |
20 | @howardlindzon | howardlindzon | 85.81 |
21 | @Huynguyentrieu | Huy Nguyen Trieu | 84.59 |
22 | @ccalmeja | claire calmejane | 83.52 |
23 | @dgwbirch | Dave Birch | 82.45 |
24 | @rudegeair | Peter Rudegeair | 81.34 |
25 | @RAlexJimenez | Alex Jimenez | 80.24 |
26 | @nycdamien | Damien Georges | 79.23 |
27 | @SpirosMargaris | Spiros Margaris | 78.22 |
28 | @devie_mohan | Devie Mohan | 77.16 |
29 | @OscarWGrut | Oscar Williams-Grut | 76.15 |
30 | @petervan | Peter Vander Auwera | 75.12 |
31 | @prmonkeyman | Daniel Lowther | 74.02 |
32 | @mikebutcher | Mike Butcher | 73.99 |
33 | @Pgelis | Philippe Gelis | 72.98 |
34 | @LarsMarkull | Lars Markull | 71.93 |
35 | @cduhaime | Christine Duhaime | 69.83 |
36 | @ambajorat | André M. Bajorat | 68.81 |
37 | @belimad | Mariano Belinky | 67.74 |
38 | @FGraillot | Florian Graillot | 66.68 |
39 | @FinMktg | Nick Bilodeau | 65.61 |
40 | @nekliolios | Nektarios Liolios | 64.56 |
41 | @adamnanjee | Adam Nanjee | 63.54 |
42 | @AnneBoden | Anne Boden | 62.45 |
43 | @tek_fin | Yann Ranchere | 61.42 |
44 | @LisaKuhnPhilips | Lisa Kuhn Phillips | 60.41 |
45 | @LizLum | Elizabeth Lumley | 59.41 |
46 | @SusanneChishti | Susanne Chishti | 59.4 |
47 | @mgnirck | Markus Gnirck | 58.3 |
48 | @marcpbernegger | Marc P. Bernegger | 57.27 |
49 | @ScarlettSieber | Scarlett Sieber | 56.16 |
50 | @izakaminska | Izabella Kaminska | 55.12 |
With all the discussion and resources available online, our analysis produced a great set of independent information resources and communities. Influential brands such as Fintechna, Finextra and Innovative Finance are leading the debate.
Be sure to download the full analysis for free to get an idea of who are most influential fintech brands!

Rank | Twitter Handle | Name | PageRank (Normalised) |
1 | @fintechna | FINTECHNA | 100 |
2 | @Finextra | Finextra | 90.64 |
3 | @InnFin | Innovate Finance | 89.67 |
4 | @CBinsights | CB Insights | 88.3 |
5 | @coindesk | CoinDesk | 87.08 |
6 | @CityAM | City A.M. | 87.07 |
7 | @Citi | Citi | 85.51 |
8 | @sbcFinTech | Sbootcamp FinTech | 85.51 |
9 | @TransferWise | TransferWise | 84.66 |
10 | @CoinTelegraph | CoinTelegraph | 84.33 |
11 | @IO_Coin | I/O Digital Currency | 84.3 |
12 | @TheFINTECHBook | TheFINTECHBook | 84.24 |
13 | @FranceFintech | France FinTech | 83.22 |
14 | @bbvaopentalent | BBVA Open Talent | 82.2 |
15 | @eFinancialNews | Financial News | 81.1 |
16 | @FINTECHCircle | FINTECH Circle | 80.9 |
17 | @bymaddyness | Maddyness | 80.79 |
18 | @the_assets | The Assets | 79.77 |
19 | @WSJMoneyBeat | WSJ MoneyBeat | 78.71 |
20 | @KPMG | KPMG | 77.55 |
21 | @FinancialBrand | The Financial Brand | 76.54 |
22 | @Level39CW | Level39 | 75.51 |
23 | @FinancialReview | Financial Review | 74.48 |
24 | @kantox | Kantox | 73.3 |
25 | @techstars | techstars | 72.26 |
26 | @Innotribe | Innotribe | 71.26 |
27 | @FinTechLab | FinTech Lab | 70.25 |
28 | @CIBBVA | Ctro Innovación BBVA | 69.24 |
29 | @ChLejoux | Christine Lejoux | 68.21 |
30 | @MoneyConfHQ | MoneyConf | 67.2 |
31 | @Finovate | Finovate | 66.12 |
32 | @TechCityNews | Tech City News | 65.07 |
33 | @FinTechHK | FinTech HK | 64.02 |
34 | @currency_cloud | Currency Cloud | 63.93 |
35 | @regalii | regalii | 62.93 |
36 | @Yodlee | Yodlee | 61.68 |
37 | @Adyen | Adyen Payments | 60.61 |
38 | @magnr | Magnr | 59.52 |
39 | @StellarOrg | Stellar | 58.5 |
40 | @FinTechFR | FinTechFR in Paris | 58.33 |
41 | @SVB_Financial | Silicon Valley Bank | 57.27 |
42 | @balderton | Balderton Capital | 56.27 |
43 | @thenutmegteam | Nutmeg | 55.26 |
44 | @Sbootcamp | Startupbootcamp | 54.23 |
45 | @LetsTalkPaymnts | Let’s Talk Payments | 53.11 |
46 | @HollandFinTech | Holland FinTech | 53.1 |
47 | @stoneandchalk | Stone & Chalk | 52.06 |
48 | @Holvi | Holvi | 52.01 |
49 | @YIDeveloper | Yodlee Interactive | 51 |
50 | @Keynote_2015 | Keynote 2015 | 51.9 |
Influencer Marketing campaigns generate impressive results, the average earned media value (EMV) from US influencer marketing programs was 1.4 times higher in H1 2015 than the overall average in full-year 2014. At Onalytica we love building these lists and want to give back to our loyal readers as much as we can. If you’re interested in other topics (such as Machine to Machine, Wearable Tech, Internet of Things) be sure to have a gander on our blog or why not propose some topics to us on twitter? We also build some very cool software to manage all of these influencers. Get a free demo today by clicking the button below!
Disclaimer: As ever with these lists, it must be stressed that the ranking is by no means a definitive measurement of influence, as there is no such thing. The brands and individuals listed are undoubtedly influential when it comes to driving discussion around fintech. The PageRank based methodology we use to extract influencers on a particular topic takes into account the number and quality of contextual references that a user receives. These calculations are independent of a user’s number of followers, but we do filter our lists based on how much a user is engaged in the conversation and the influence they drive through their networks.
Download this free report which reveals the top 100 fintech influencers and brands