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What Sets Onalytica’s Customer Success Team Apart

by | Nov 10, 2020 | Best Practice, ,

Less than 10 years ago, ‘Customer Success’ was a new function that replaced old school account management. Fast forward to today, where all SaaS companies typically need Customer Success teams to support their clients. In the hyper-growth environment we are currently living in, marketers have access to new technologies that help streamline their efforts, increase their success outcomes, and save time. For companies like Onalytica, this also comes with competition in the MarTech space. One way we set ourselves apart is with our best-in-class Customer Success team.

Every Customer Matters

At Onalytica, we serve large B2B Enterprise clients. We hold a core belief that each and every customer matters.

“Global ambition paired with ‘Every Customer Matters’ is what sets Onalytica’s Customer Success team apart. When you’re a company with hundreds of customers, we have the ability to go above and beyond. Every week, I see evidence of our Customer Success team bend over backwards to ensure that we help our clients achieve results.” – Tim Wiliams, Onalytica CEO

Not “Just” Software

While Onalytica provides a software solution for managing influencer marketing programs, our Customer Success team goes beyond software to ensure that our clients are getting results. In a nascent space, the industry knowledge and influencer marketing best practices we provide are invaluable pieces to the influencer marketing puzzle. We’ve even built an entire Influencer Marketing Academy around industry best practices to upskill our clients and help them become experts in the space.

“At Onalytica, It doesn’t just stop with the software. The success team are always fighting to improve the customer success experience for our clients. We use our knowledge of the industry, thought-through strategy and make sure we’re managing expectations at all times – in order to get the clients’ the results that they need in influencer marketing.” – Alex Edwards, Customer Success Director

From there, we take what we know about the industry to create custom influencer marketing playbooks and strategies for each client based on their overall business objectives and influencer program needs. Once results are achieved, we help our clients tell their success stories internally across their organizations by delivering measurement and insights reporting to go alongside their playbooks.

“Onalytica’s Customer Success Team are multi-talented. Equally adept as consultants helping major enterprise brands pioneer new influencer engagement strategies, to being analysts who can uncover insights and hard to get data on your customers & target audience, through to activation experts who can connect Influencers credibly to brand campaigns.”Dominik Nosalik, Managing Director

An Extension of Your Team

Our Customer Success strives to be a true extension of our clients’ teams. This starts with making sure that we understand our clients needs.

“Onalytica Customer Success ask the right questions and listen to ensure that they meet the clients objectives with valuable strategies and insight reporting.”Clementine LeMessurier, Customer Success Executive

Being an extension of our clients’ teams also means providing hands-on service: we’ll reach out to influencers on our clients behalf, provide introductions to influencers, brief influencers on our clients’ activation opportunities, and attend our clients’ online webinars and events to make sure we understand our clients’ unique perspective and service offerings.

“The Onalytica Customer Success team are not only on-hand to solve queries regarding the platform, but we are there to act as an extension of your in-house team. From identifying your most relevant influencers, all the way through to providing you with introductions to these experts, we can really help you drive your program to ensure you achieve your expected results and more.” – Joel Morris, Sr. Customer Success Manager

“For many of our clients, influencer marketing is a completely new strategy to adopt. There is nothing more rewarding than supporting a client from planning and strategy, through to execution and results. Being part of the journey the client goes on and the gratification they have out of building authentic relationships with their community of influencers, I think is what makes us incomparable to other success teams and solutions.” – Will Beech, Customer Success Manager

Team Collaboration and Support

While we strive to provide our clients with the best support they can find anywhere, supporting each other across the Customer Success team is central to our own success. Each week, we share challenges, solutions, highlights, and wins with each other internally.

“The best thing about working within the Customer Success Team at Onalytica is the people. I’ve never worked with such a hard-working and brilliant team. We all jump in to help each other, and each team member has fantastic ideas which they are given the full support and freedom to implement.”Eva Evangelou, Customer Success Director

We also make time to support each other from all angles – our Customer Success Executives (CSEs) support our Senior Customer Success Managers (CSMs) with their insights and analytics expertise, while our Senior CSMs guide our CSEs on customer success best practices and commercial strategies:

“Within the Customer Success team, we regularly share recent client successes with each other. This transparency and team collaboration enables us to provide clients with the best possible advice and ensure that the work we do with them is a success. It also enables Customer Success Executives like myself to understand how to manage large enterprise accounts from early stages of our career, giving us invaluable experience.”Charlotte Elsy, Customer Success Executive

“It’s so important to have complete transparency across teams, especially when there’s a team in the US and a lot of executives and resources out of our UK office… Having different team functions such as Customer Success Managers, Customer Success Executives and Insights helps us support our clients in different ways with a wide range of expertise and skills across all teams.” – Jordan Stewart, Customer Success Manager

Values that Matter

What is success without values? Our values are the foundation of our team. We believe that 1) every customer matters, 2) the best service comes from being an extension of our clients’ teams, 3) collaboration and support are fundamental for our team’s growth, and 4) we believe in diversity & inclusion, and sustainability.

“Our values in alignment with our clients’ values: Our Customer Success team believes in the importance of Sustainability as well as Diversity & Inclusion”Ann Dunheva, Customer Success Executive

“ESG and working towards the SDGs has been a key interest of mine for years. As part of my role as Sustainability Lead, I’m trying to ensure that we are as forward-thinking as possible, being mindful of our impact and responsibility to our local community, our clients and of course our employees. We’re also working more and more with sustainability & CSR professionals who are keen to connect with their global peers and evangelise their work to keep driving more purpose and impact.” Eleanor Mackenzie-Smith, Senior Success Manager & Sustainability Lead

Want More?

Onalytica’s Customer Success Team is a value-driven, results-led team that practices a hands-on approach to supporting our clients and collaborating with our team members. If you would like to learn more about influencer marketing and work with the best team in the industry, you can learn more at