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Influencer Marketing: A Week in the Life Supporting an Influencer Marketer

by | Mar 21, 2019 | Best Practice, , ,


I have a meeting with a client visiting us from the US first thing in the morning, we don’t get to see each other that often so it’s pretty exciting. We talk about the reporting functionality available in the platform and how she and her team can use it to focus on the metrics they care about. I also introduce her to the Product team who gather more requirements & feedback for the project; they get some useful insights from a client’s perspective, and she gets a sneak peek at some potential designs for new functionality – everybody wins!


The morning is spent reaching out to clients, providing progress updates for projects and making sure they’re getting on well with the platform. After a catch up with colleagues reviewing a presentation and action plan for a client/influencer program. I spend the afternoon on calls gathering requirements for new projects and campaigns, making sure I understand all the right topics to focus on in order to find the best influencers for their needs.

A client is trying to grow one of their internal experts into a spokesperson on ethical AI development so I need to find influencers who are aligned to that. Luckily, we can easily surface the most influential people in specific areas with the platform, but the tricky bit that’s up to me is making a qualitative judgement on influencers who could be the right match. This involves looking through their social feeds to see what sort of topics they post about or whether they’ve attended any industry events that look relevant. Choosing influencers can be a mix of science and art, so I tend to over-budget and select more than we need so we can narrow the shortlist down once we’ve discussed it.


Discover Screenshot

Screenshot of our Discover platform


After getting in and catching up on emails, I workshop some new ideas for functionality in the platform with the product team. We look at how data is presented, and as a team try to draw on our experiences of speaking to clients to inform our approach. After lunch, I reach out to some influencers about an upcoming campaign,  highlighting the mutual interests and values between the brand and the influencers concerned and why I think they’d be a great fit. Playing matchmaker like this is one of my favourite aspects of the job, and it’s a great feeling when both parties can see the value that working together brings. The rest of the day consists of new target identification for clients, looking for potential influencers for them to work with based on the briefs we’ve discussed. I find some good potential influencers in Canada to partner with a client on their sustainability agenda, and some cybersecurity experts to come to an event another client is putting on in London.



Big strategy meeting in the morning with a key client and their agency partner to discuss influencer strategy, metrics and best practice for the next 6 months. Since both the client and agency are clients of ours I’m accompanied by the agency’s Customer Success Manager as well, so we’ve got double the influencer best practice knowledge and experience available. It’s a discussion, with lots of good ideas flying round. From there, I head straight across town to another client visit. I spend one afternoon every 2 weeks in one of my agency clients’ offices so that anyone who has questions about influencers can just walk up to me and have a chat. On this particular Thursday I speak about influencer strategies for an energy company and actually end up helping someone find the relevant influencers to attend a roundtable that was being hosted about ethical investing. The evening brings with it a dinner held by one of our clients for one of their clients to introduce them to influencer relations. We’d arranged for our CEO to attend with two influencers, so I popped my head in to make sure everything had gone off without a hitch before leaving them to it.


A few calls in the morning, followed by some admin (a bit boring, but very necessary!) I return from lunch to an email from an influencer saying they’re happy to work with my client – great news to receive on a Friday! In the afternoon, the team make sure deliverables are sent over to clients before the close of the week. We have a team meeting to discuss the week, share any interesting case studies that others might want to use, and talk about any challenges over a beer, or glass of prosecco. We then repeat this exercise with the whole business, hearing about what marketing, product, sales and development teams have all been up to. By this point the office music has a distinctly dance-y vibe, and a few of us head to the local for a couple of drinks to round off the week!

If you’re interested in influencer marketing and partnering with influencers, get in touch!