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Interview with Jasmine Sandler

by | Nov 1, 2017 | Interviews,

Jasmine Sandler

Jasmine Sandler

CEO: Agent-cy Social | Top Digital Marketing Consultant and LinkedIn Trainer

Key Topics:B2B Social Selling, Social Branding of the Executive and SEO
Location:New York City, Los Angeles, USA

Jasmine Sandler, a Keynote Speaker on Social Branding for Entrepreneurs and Executives is the Founder and CEO of Agent-cy Online Marketing, an Online Branding Agency and Global Digital Marketing Training business since 2006. She is a recognized leader in the areas of Social Branding and Social Selling by Google, LinkedIn and other industry standards.

How did you get to become an expert in B2B social branding and selling strategies?

I started my career in the real Advertising/Madison Avenue world many years ago where I was involved in both creative brand development as well as measuring the effectiveness of campaign buys. From there I went on to brand and promote local businesses, quickly then getting into Digital at its earliest commercial phase (1994/1995). I have been involved in Digital Marketing (SEO, Social , Digital Strategies)as a business practice from the beginnings of SEO and Social Media Marketing. In fact from 2000-2003 I started and then sold a social network , building it and its audience of 300,000 sports enthusiasts from the ground up by myself. I spent a few years as an executive at other Digital agencies before beginning my own in 2006. I have been the Digital Marketing Strategy lead for agency and brand clients for over 100 company clients and countless audiences that I educate as a trainer and speaker. I have also kept myself educated as the industry (SEO and Social) has changed over the years.

What areas of B2B social branding and selling strategies are you most passionate about?

Social Branding or Personal Branding and Social Media for Entrepreneurs and Executives. Additionally, I am very passionate about the concept of building internal Social Advocacy in larger organizations. Finally, as someone who leads complex SEO strategies for website owners with large sites or sites that have been penalized, the BIG area that I educate on is in truthful SEO. This is one of the reasons I started my own video / audio Podcast in the last month (called UNCOVER) – it is all about bringing on guests who can tell the truth about their industries and related services. I also share my views on subjects related to purchasing Digital Marketing services.

Which B2B social branding and selling strategies influencers influence you?

I love this – for me since I have been in this (Digital Marketing) game since the beginning some of the influencers are the same guys I have been on panels with and watched their agencies grow alongside of mine! Lee Odden and I have been on SES panels etc together and his focus in a singular area has been something that has impressed me about Lee. Mike Grehan I consider a major influencer and former client of mine, CMO of Acronym Media and to me the #1 Google guru is the most truthful giving guy you will meet in the SEO world. Social – funny enough – I haven’t been so influenced by others. For me I have built my own network and have been fascinated and involved in the world of online audience development for my clients for so long its hard to say who influences me – The business people that influence me personally are the people that have built multi-million and billion dollar businesses by working hard, being honest and making smart decisions. There are many of these that I have met with , asked to be a mentor and have had the pleasure of educating on my field of Social Media. So for me its more of the Bill Gates, Richard Branson, entertainers that have made it that influence me and push me to keep going.

Outside of B2B social branding and selling strategies who else influences you?

These are my top Personal Brands… Bill Gates for Leadership, Richard Branson for Entrepreneurism, Madonna for Music ( I am an amateur singer), Eminem for Music, Johnny Depp for Acting, Ray Bourque – Retired NHL player (I have been a hockey player for 15 years).

Which brands or products stand out for you in B2B social branding and selling strategies?

I have used and partnered with many software companies related to Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing and SEO

If a brand wanted to work with you, what offline / online activities would you be most interested in?

  1. Speaking opportunities – I am a global keynote speaker and have been so for many years. I have delivered at least 300 presentations and workshops for executives and entrepreneurial audiences alike. I have been a spokesperson for brand clients. I know to inspire, educate, humor and engage audiences – no size too big or small!
  2. I already have a Podcast which I am just beginning to really market. The guest are great and I have a waitlist so that’s a done deal. I have been told I am an excellent interviewer and guest alike!
  3. I have led hundreds of webinars for the same amount of organizations and audiences so that’s right up my alley.

What would be the best way for a brand to contact you?

E-mail and cc my EA Jancie who manages my calendar

They can also text or call our service at 347-527-5100

My site is